Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Humpday: The Lonely Island Edition

Evenin', folks. It is time once again for your Humpday article of the week! This week will feature songs by the Grammy-Nominated fake-rap comedy group, The Lonely Island.

Videos after the break:

First up is the newest music video, Jack Sparrow, featuring none other than Michael Bolton:

Next up for your viewing pleasure is another hit single from their first album, "Jizz In My Pants:"

Thirdly, the music video that may have started it all, "I'm On A Boat:"

Fourthly, the song they wrote for the 2009 MTV Music Awards, "Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions:"

Finally, one of my personal favorites is not a music video, but a skit from SNL. Here is, "People Getting Punched in the Face Before Eating:"

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