Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Wolverine casting call goes out.

Casting call has gone out for several lead and supporting male and female characters in Darren Aronofsky's "The Wolverine". There's no word yet as to how the recent events in Japan will affect the filming of the movie, but it's very possible that the production of 'The Wolverine' could bring in some much needed financial help for Japan.

The listing is as follows:

- Male, Japanese. Mid to late 60's, slight build with discernible looks. Lead role.

- Female, Japanese. Early to late 20's. Quintessential beauty, very graceful and majestic. Lead role.

- Male, Japanese. Early to mid 50's. Exceptionally brilliant, timelessly powerful and in-shape. Lead role.

- Female, Eurasian. Early to late 20's. Proficient Karate skills, amazing stature, well-spoken, sensual. Lead role.

- Male Japanese. Early to late 40's. Large character type thug, shady, egotsitical. Supporting role.

- Male, Japanese. Early to late 20's. Handsome, well conditioned. Supprting role.

- Male, Japanese. Mid to late 20's. Mobster type, smooth operator, cunning. Supprting role.

-Female, Caucasian. Mid 20's. Must speak both English and Japanese. Supprting role.

Filming is scheduled to bein mid July, 2011 for a late 2012 theatrical release.

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