Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly 2011 Villains Round 2 Part 2

Here is the 2nd have of the Round 2 matches. Another intriguing match awaits as well as the continued saga of what is quickly becoming the dark horse of the tournament.


The Joker Vs Bowser

The Joker... that pretty much sums up why he is here over Mother Brain. Bowser however took out Albert Wesker to be here a bit of a surprising victory but seeing their close seeding and the following that Bowser has is it that much of a surprise? This will truly be a test for the Lizard King as he goes against a villain that appears at the top of most "Greatest Villain Of All Time" lists. Let's see who's got what it takes!

Doctor Doom

Doom is pleased, pleased with the victory he has obtained over Darkseid in the opening round. Now Doom moves on to face Kefka, arguably the most vile of Final Fantasy villains. Will the ruler of Latveria fall to a master of dark magic? I feel just by saying that.. I have angered DOOM!

Lex Luthor Vs Norman Osborn

A former President of the United States takes on a man that was once in charge of it's defense wielding the armor of the Iron Patriot. Sounds like two heroes duking it out for the safety of the world right? Except that Luthor being President was only for him to have the power to truly make Superman's life hell on Earth. Osborn used his power to ignore the demands of the President and go by his own means of order in the world. These two egomaniacs/psychos now do battle.

The A.I. From Mario Kart Wii Vs Magneto

When Magneto defeated Sinestro I don't believe he expected to be taking on the artificial intelligence of a video game. This A.I. however is no punk bitch, it has sapped the life out of countless players leaving them broken men on the field of battle and when it's done it shoots the disc back out at you like a spit to the face. Is magnetism enough to stop this juggernaut of challenge? Have I blown the power of Mario Kart Wii's A.I. out of proportion? LETS FIND OUT!

1 comment:

  1. Magneto has never made me punch a wall, that's all I'm saying.
