Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly 2011 Opening Villain Round Part 2

Here is the next 4 matches in the Villain's Bracket Opening Round

Things are starting to get interesting!

Predator Vs Vince McMahon

The Predators are the ultimate hunter in all the galaxy. Having collected skulls from all of their victims they are a proud race that also have respect for those who are able to kill their own. Vince McMahon is not a killer, though he is the biggest villains in wrestling history. He has attacked both his daughter and son, cheated on his wife multiple times, put his daughter up for sacrifice, and have made multiple employees kiss his bare ass. Does he have what it takes to make The Predator the next member of the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club? or will Predator shove a wrist nuke right up his old ass?

Hans Gruber Vs Azazel (Supernatural)

Hans Gruber wasn't a powerful man physically, but he was extremely intelligent and calculating. It was his mind that kept him ahead of John McClane in their little chess game as he even tricked McClane in believing he was just a hostage and not the mastermind. He's cold blooded and capable of surrounding himself with the best people for the job. Azazel is a demon charged with releasing Lucifer from his prison in hell. During this time he makes enemies out of the Winchester Brothers after they are told he murdered their mother and infected Sam with demon's blood. Azazel is a powerful yellow eyed demon capable of anything.

Megatron Vs Biff Tannen

Megatron, the mighty leader of the Decepticons. His soldiers follow him without question and pledge their allegiance to him even in death. Megatron is ruthless in his plots to defeat Optimus Prime and the Autobots though when it comes down to it, prefers face to face combat over sneak attacks. Biff Tannen may not seem evil, he may seem like an idiot who thinks trees can move and gets covered in shit but he is also capable of destroying history. The man changed the world, got rich, killed Marty McFly's father, married Marty's mom, beat her regularly, and tried to kill Marty. The man knows no bounds in getting what he wants.

Freddy Krueger Vs Lord Zed

Freddy Krueger is a child rapist who was burned to death and returned as a dream invading demon. His power in the dream world is almost limitless and has brought him back from multiple deaths. He became so powerful to ensure people's safety they developed a drug that stops people from dreaming when they sleep. Lord Zed came to conquer Earth after Rita Repulsa's countless failures. Zed is much more evil then Rita and looks kind of like a naked beefed up Freddy with a Jason X mask. What's not scary about that?

1 comment:

  1. Biff Tannen is the man. Remember when he turned that dilapidated courthouse into a hotel/casino? That was awesome.
