Friday, March 11, 2011

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly 2011 Heroes 2nd Round

Here we are! The 2nd round in the Heroes Bracket! Will we continue to see upsets? Will top seeds start putting the underdogs in their place? FIND OUT!

Let's get to it!

Kevin Butler Vs B.A. Baracus

Kevin Butler is here after pulling the upset of the century against John McClane. He's the VP of Sony and apparently his extensive experience was enough for him to overcome an icon. B.A. Baracus got here after taking out Sarah Connor. Can Butler continue his Cinderella Story or will he be taken to a 10 on the B.A. scale? 10 being TOTAL PAIN!

Sterling Archer Vs Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Archer was able to survive a battle with Conan The Barbarian which was a bit surprising but with Archer you always expect the unexpected. Buffy lives up to her cult following though she fought a newcomer in Raylan Givens. Can Buffy take out another rookie? or is the Isis agent too much for her to handle?

Black Dynamite Vs Robocop

Black Dynamite won the battle of men with a license to kill, now he must go toe to toe with the law. It's the battle of the unstoppable force vs the immovable object. Two titans are about to go at it and the winner is in your hands!

Walker Texas Ranger Vs Ash (Evil Dead)

These two being here to me isn't really a surprise, though the winner of THIS match is hard to decide. That's why YOU do it! Can Walker battle his way past a man with a chainsaw for a hand? or will Ash and his boomstick be too much?

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